Technology Overview

Would you like to install a battery storage system at home?

Battery storage is a relatively new technology that allows excess energy to be stored for later use when the demand for electricity is higher or when the renewable energy source is not producing electricity.

When renewable energy sources produce more electricity than is immediately needed, the excess electricity is directed to charge the battery storage system. This charging process typically occurs during periods of high renewable energy generation, such as sunny days for solar panels or windy conditions for wind turbines.

The battery storage system stores the excess electricity in its rechargeable batteries. These batteries can store the electricity in chemical form until it is needed.

When the demand for electricity increases or when the renewable energy source is not producing electricity (e.g., during the night or when there is no sunlight), the battery storage system discharges the stored electricity back into the grid. This helps meet the increased demand for electricity without relying solely on traditional energy sources.

The battery storage systems are connected to the electricity grid, allowing them to interact with the grid and balance the supply and demand of electricity. They can discharge stored electricity during peak demand periods, reducing strain on the grid and potentially avoiding the need for additional power plants or expensive infrastructure upgrades.

It’s important to note that battery storage technology is constantly evolving, and there are different types of batteries used in storage systems, such as lithium-ion batteries, lead-acid batteries, or flow batteries. Each type has its own characteristics, efficiency, and lifespan.

In recent years, the UK government has been encouraging the deployment of battery storage systems to support the transition to a low-carbon energy system and enhance grid flexibility.

Battery storage will play a crucial role in integrating renewable energy sources, reducing reliance on fossil fuel-based electricity generation, and enabling a more sustainable and resilient energy system.

What is battery storage?

Battery storage is technology that enables you to collect electrical energy and store it in rechargeable batteries for you to use later. 

Battery storage systems typically consist of multiple battery cells connected in series or parallel to create increased energy storage capacity.  These cells can be made from various materials, such as lithium-ion, lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, or flow batteries.  Each offer different characteristics in terms of energy density, efficiency, and cycle life.

The electrical energy they store  can be released when you need it, either to power devices or to feed electricity back into the grid.

One of the reasons battery storage has become so popular is it allows you to integrate intermittent renewable energy sources – for example, solar and wind – into your existing energy supply.

Why install battery storage?

Battery storage is becoming more and more popular in the UK, and as manufacturing costs continue to decrease now is a great time to consider having an installation. 
Without a battery storage system, if your solar panels don’t generate enough energy for your needs, you still rely on the grid and pay for the electricity.  By incorporating battery storage, you gain greater control over your energy usage, reducing your vulnerability to rising energy prices. Surplus power is stored in the solar battery system, ensuring it doesn’t go to waste during cloudy days, evenings, nights, or power outages. When you produce more energy than required, you can store the excess in the battery and sell it back to the grid, earning additional income.

Despite the current high energy rates, there are times when energy prices drop, and suppliers are paid to take energy off the grid. With a battery storage system, you can store renewable energy when rates are low and discharge it to the grid when rates are high, benefiting from schemes like Agile Octopus Plunge Pricing.

By embracing solar batteries, you bring your property closer to energy independence and self-sufficiency. Solar energy produces significantly less pollution than fossil fuels, enabling you to reduce your home’s carbon footprint over the long term.

Another advantages of solar battery storage is the possible opportunity to earn income by selling surplus solar energy back to the grid. Instead of wasting excess electricity, you can store it in your solar batteries and sell it when demand is high, transforming your solar energy investment into a profitable venture.

Battery storage systems play a significant role in reducing your electricity costs, as you can avoid the fees associated with utility companies. Some individuals even choose to disconnect from the grid entirely by relying solely on solar batteries.

Once installed, batteries demand very little maintenance, saving you time and effort.

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